Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale

Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale


My artwork cont4


My abstract paintings are displayed here.

Dragon skin1

Well I made up this pattern and it looked a bit like dragon skin and the colours popped out at me pizzaz pizzaz painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26" 2016
Dragon skin 1
Dragon skin 1
Dragon skin1

Dragon skin2

The colours of these design pop pop at your eyes painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26" 2016
Dragon skin2
Dragon skin2
Dragon skin2

Pink and turquoise dragon skin 4

A lovely piece of artwork painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size20"/26" 2016
Turquoise and pink hues dragon skin3
Turquoise and pink hues dragon skin3
Dragon skin3

Pink and white dragon skin

Lovely like marshmallows you could just eat it alive painted and signed by myself Vicki size20"/24"
Gorgeous pink and white dragon skin4
Gorgeous pink and white dragon skin4
Dragon skin4

Agazine aurora

Magazine aurora this piece was inspired by stacks of glossies and the aurora borealis painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 22"/18"
Magazine aurora
Magazine aurora
Magazine aurora

Beautiful sunset 1

Abstract sunset
Abstract sunset
Abstract sunset
This evokes feelings of relaxation and joy. Painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26"2018

Jurassic park

Vivid colours of this piece remind me of dinos in the film Jurassic park painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26" 2019
Jurassic park
Jurassic park
Jurassic park

Feathered nest

A Vigorous piece of my artwork playing off pastel and bold unique all my paintings are and this is truly unique painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26" 2018
Feathered nest
Feathered nest
Feathered nest

Three ladies dance

The ecstatic dance of three women and a swan amongst them painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20" 2019
Three ladies dance
Three ladies dance
Three làdies dance

Inner peace

Abstract women painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20" 2018
Inner peace
Inner peace
Inner peace


Beautiful explosion of colour  painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 29"/26" 2019
Supernova 1
Supernova 1
Vicki Neale
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