Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale

Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale


Nudes and erotics

This is Japanese lady 

This contorted Japanese lady is from memories and imagination painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20" 2018
Japanese lady is so beautiful and fair with a garland around her neckand on a beach
Japanese lady is so beautiful and fair with a garland around her neckand on a beach
Japanese lady 1

Beautiful maiden boho lady

Gorgeous bohemian lady in row boat with waterfall and lilies signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20"
Beautiful maiden boho lady
Beautiful maiden boho lady
Beautiful Maiden in boat

Naked lady going to pool terrace

Lady going for a dip on a hot terracein the height of summer signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20"
Naked lady going to pool terrace
Naked lady going to pool terrace
Naked lady going to pool terrace

My interpretation of Venus

This painting was very intricate to make I love the colours and how I've sinched the body signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 16"/20"
My interpretation of venus
My interpretation of venus
My interpretation of the birth of venus

Reclining Princess

This painting is of club princess painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/29"
Reclining Princess
Reclining Princess
Reclining princess 1

Astral goddess sublime

Gorgeous astral goddess in the heavens her body is blithe and sublime. Painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20"
Astral goddess
Astral goddess
Astral goddess sublime

Angel of lust

Gorgeous blonde angel in lust if heaven skies painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20"
Angel of lust
Angel of lust
Angel of lust

Scantily clad angel's

Two lovely angel's in pink lusty skies playing sexy music painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20"
Scantily clad angel's
Scantily clad angel's
Scantily clad angels

Sexy babe 1

Gorgeous babe with plinth to lean against signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26"
Sexy babe 1
Sexy babe 1
Sexy babe1
Vicki Neale
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