Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale

Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale


Small little gems of paintings

Pony on the moors

Gorgeous pony on the windswept purple heather and bracken signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Pony on the moors
Pony on the moors
Pony on the moor

Golden eagle on post

Beautiful golden eagle on a post signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Golden eagle on post
Golden eagle on post
Golden eagle on a post

Wavy trees

Gorgeous abstract wavy trees  painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Wavy trees
Wavy trees
Wavy trees 1

Rainy days

Lovely teenager on a stormy day signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Rainy days
Rainy days
Rainy days

Celtic abstract

Gorgeous lovely Celtic abstract signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Celtic abstract
Celtic abstract
Celtic abstract

Green Goddess 

Green Goddess beautiful painting painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size9"/7"
Green goddess
Green goddess
Green Goddess 1

Abstract floral

Signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Abstract floral
Abstract floral
Abstract floral

A horse called dixie

Dixie the gorgeous palomino signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
A horse called dixie
A horse called dixie
A horse called Dixie

The Batman's dead

Signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
The Batman's dead
The Batman's dead
The Batman's dead

Golden noél

Gorgeous opulant golden grotto galore signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Golden noél
Golden noél
Golden noél

Catherine wheel 1

Gorgeous kaleidoscope of colour signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 9"/7"
Catherine wheel 1
Catherine wheel 1
Catherine wheel 1
Vicki Neale
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